House Probe Unveils Fresh Evidence Contradicting Joe Biden Claims About Family’s Foreign Deals

by  John Solomon


The House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Wednesday directly challenged President Joe Biden’s claims about his family’s overseas business deals, providing fresh evidence his son Hunter got money directly from China, was involved in a business deal with a Romanian figure accused of corruption and helped arrange for one of his foreign business associates to meet with his father’s vice presidential office.

In his second interim report, Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., said his committee was increasingly concerned that Hunter Biden and his partners engaged in a pattern of making lucrative business deals with foreign figures suspected of corruption in countries for which his father had official U.S. policy responsibilities, a pattern first exposed years ago with a deal the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings that U.S. officials deemed corrupt.

“The Committee has uncovered evidence indicative of influence peddling and financial deception warranting further investigation and legislative solutions,” Comer’s panel wrote in a 36-page report.

You can read the full report here:

For instance, the report provided fresh details on a series of transactions between 2015 and 2017 with a Romanian businessman named Gabriel Popoviciu, whom the committee said was charged and convicted by Romanian prosecutors with a bribery related offense,

The committee noted that payments to companies tied to Hunter Biden began from the Romanian businessman shortly after then-Vice President Joe Biden met with Romania’s president at the White House in September 2015 to discuss “anticorruption efforts and rule of law” a little over a year after Joe Biden made a similar speech in Romania.

“The Committee is further concerned that while Vice President Biden advocated publicly for anti-corruption policies in Romania, bank records show Biden family members and business associates were simultaneously reaping in significant amounts of money from a Romanian individual at the center of a Romanian corruption scandal,” the report said.

The report stated that bank records show that within five weeks of Joe Biden’s meeting with the Romanian president a company called Bladon Enterprises Limited — Popoviciu’s Cypriot company – began making deposits into a bank account of a company called Robinson Walker LLC, controlled by one of Hunter Biden’s associates.

“From November 2015 to May 2017, Bladon Enterprises paid Robinson Walker, LLC over $3 million,” the report noted. “Biden family accounts received approximately $1.038 million from the Robinson Walker, LLC account after Bladon Enterprises deposits. Sixteen of the seventeen payments from Bladon Enterprises to Robinson Walker, LLC were made while Joe Biden was Vice President.”

The committee said it feared the Robinson Walker account was used to disguise the fact that some of the monies would be routed to the Biden family. For instance, on Nov. 5, 2015, Bladon Enterprises wired $179,836.86 into the Robinson Walker,LLC bank account and a day later a third of the amount was transferred to Hunter Biden, the report said.

The pattern occurred several times, including in early 2017 after Joe Biden had just left office, Comer’s investigation found.

For instance $84,000 of a $172,000 payment from Bladon to Robinson Walker was routed to Biden family members, including Hunter Biden and Hallie Biden, the widow of Hunter Biden’s older brother, the committee said.

Comer said his team in still investigating whether Hunter Biden tried to influence the U.S. government on behalf of the Romanian businessman. “The Committee is investigating Hunter Biden and his business associates’ engagement with U.S. government officials on behalf of Popoviciu,” it noted.

The committee also released bank record it said directly contradicted Joe Biden’s assertion during the 2020 president campaign that his son never received money from China.

Biden told a presidential debate in October 2020: “My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China. I have not had—The only guy who made money from China is this guy [Donald Trump]. He’s the only one. Nobody else has made money from China.”

“The bank records refute President Biden’s statement,” the committee report said. “…In 2017 alone, bank records show President Biden’s family and their related companies received millions of dollars from Chinese foreign nationals’ companies.”

It provided a bank receipt for one specific transaction form August 2017 to drive home the report related to Hunter Biden’s dealings with the Chinese energy firm CEFC. “The bank records establish Owasco P.C., Hunter Biden’s professional corporation, received $100,000 that was funded by Shanghai Huaxin in China,” the report noted.

The Chinese dealings also raised concerns for another reason, the committee said. Joe Biden has repeatedly stated he and his office had no business dealings with Hunter Biden’s business clients. While evidence to the contrary has emerged from Ukraine to China, the report Wednesday offered a fresh anecdote involving the Serbian businessman Vuc Jeremic, who was involved in the CEFC deal and also seeking to become the UN General Assembly leader in 2016.

Here is the bloc of that report laying out the story:

“Evidence indicates Hunter Biden and his associates sought to help Jeremic with this campaign by leveraging their connection with the Office of the Vice President (OVP). In an email dated June 16, 2016 (one day after the third payment above), Jeremic wrote Hunter Biden and Eric Schwerin (a Biden family associate) asking if he could ‘meet with VPOTUS National Security Advisor Colin Kahl’ related to the elections for UN Secretary General. Eric Schwerin wrote to Hunter Biden, “Think about how you want to respond . . . . . .”

“On July 2, 2016, Jeremic informed Hunter Biden and his business associates in a follow up email, “[m]y meeting with Colin did not last very long, but didn’t go too bad, I think. What is suboptimal is that OVP seems to be outside the decision-making loop on the UNSG elections issue. Colin promised to get better informed on what’s going on at the moment.”

“It appears from the evidence that: (1) a Biden administration official met with Jeremic to discuss the UN Secretary General election at the direction of Hunter Biden and/or his business associates, (2) State Energy HK made $3 million in payments to CIRSD around the timeframe of Jeremic’s campaign, (3) and soon after Vice President Biden left public office in 2017, the same company—State Energy HK—made a $3 million payment to Robinson Walker, LLC—and over $1 million of that amount then went to the Bidens.”

The committee said Jeremic so far has declined to assist the congressional investigation.

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John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist, author and digital media entrepreneur who serves as Chief Executive Officer and Editor in Chief of Just the News. Before founding Just the News, Solomon played key reporting and executive roles at some of America’s most important journalism institutions, such as The Associated Press, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, Newsweek, The Daily Beast and The Hill.


Reprinted with permission from Just the News

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One Thought to “House Probe Unveils Fresh Evidence Contradicting Joe Biden Claims About Family’s Foreign Deals”

  1. Steve Allen

    This news isn’t even on Fox News….I just looked for it. Also, yesterday throughout the day I checked ABC and CBS, not a peep. When Fox shut down Tucker Carlson, I stopped reading their news site. It just goes to show who the enemies of Constitution loving Americans are.
